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Performance dedicated to comfort and design
Soltis Master 99 offers maximum visual comfort to people living in buildings or working on computers through:
— uniform light diffusion,
— natural light preserved without glare.

New Option
Soltis Master 99 exists now with antiviral and antibacterial properties thanks to the Agivir treatment.

Particularly adapted to public and high-traffic areas (schools, offices, shops, public transportation, hospitals, healthcare facilities,…) it combines visual and thermal comfort with this additional antimicrobial activity.

Soltis Master Agivir

Technology sustainability

The technology’s durability and efficiency have been designed to be compatible with the targeted applications. It is important for surfaces to be kept clean to maintain the product’s efficiency.

Interior applications

Roller blinds, vertical shades, skylight shades and sliding panels.

Operating principles for silver

The Serge Ferrari group has developed the technology Agivir based on silver that ensures optimal antimicrobial efficiency to its treated membranes..

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